Linear Detrending Techniques for Time Series

Linear detrending is a common preprocessing step in time series analysis. It involves removing a linear trend that may obscure underlying patterns, seasonalities, or relationships between variables.

Why Linear Detrending?

How to Detrend?

  1. Estimate the Trend: Fit a linear model (e.g., ordinary least squares) to the time series values against time indices.
  2. Subtract the Trend: Once you have the linear function that represents the trend, subtract it from the original data to produce a detrended series.
  3. Validate: Plot the detrended series and check if the trend has been successfully removed without distorting the main oscillations of the series.

Example (Pseudo-Code):

# Suppose you have a time series stored in an array `y`, indexed by `t`.

# 1. Create a time index
t = np.arange(len(y))

# 2. Fit a linear model: y = a + b*t
# Using numpy's polyfit to estimate a and b:
a, b = np.polyfit(t, y, 1)

# 3. Compute the trend line
trend = a + b*t

# 4. Subtract the trend
y_detrended = y - trend

# y_detrended now has the linear trend removed.

By performing linear detrending, the resulting series will often look more stable and fluctuating around a constant mean, making subsequent statistical analysis and correlation studies more robust.

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