Mean Removal

Mean removal is a fundamental preprocessing step in time series analysis and correlation studies. By removing the average value of the data, the resulting series will have a mean closer to zero. This process helps stabilize the baseline level of the series, making comparisons and correlations more straightforward.

Why Remove the Mean?

How to Remove the Mean?

  1. Calculate the Mean: Compute the average value of the time series: mean_value = np.mean(y).
  2. Subtract the Mean: Produce a new series by subtracting this mean: y_mean_removed = y - mean_value.

Example (Pseudo-Code):

y = [2.5, 3.0, 2.0, 4.5, 3.5]  # Example data
mean_value = np.mean(y)        # e.g., 3.1
y_mean_removed = y - mean_value # e.g., [-0.6, -0.1, -1.1, 1.4, 0.4]

After mean removal, your data will fluctuate around zero, making subsequent normalization or correlation analysis more interpretable and less sensitive to initial scaling or offsets.

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