Scaling by Standard Deviation

After removing the mean, the next common step in standardization is to scale the series by its standard deviation. This process yields a series with unit variance, which is beneficial when comparing multiple time series with very different variances.

Why Scale by the Standard Deviation?

How to Scale by Standard Deviation?

  1. Calculate the Standard Deviation: std_value = np.std(y_mean_removed).
  2. Divide the Series: y_standardized = y_mean_removed / std_value.

Example (Pseudo-Code):

y_mean_removed = [-0.6, -0.1, -1.1, 1.4, 0.4]
std_value = np.std(y_mean_removed)  # e.g., about 0.8
y_standardized = y_mean_removed / std_value
# Now y_standardized will have a standard deviation close to 1.

This step ensures that the amplitude of fluctuations is normalized. After scaling by the standard deviation, your time series will have zero mean and unit variance, making correlation coefficients and other comparative statistics more meaningful.

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